Google Keyword Planner: A Complete Guide for Bloggers


If you’re serious about optimizing your blog for search engines, understanding which keywords to target is crucial. Google Keyword Planner is a powerful, free tool that can help you discover valuable keywords and improve your blog’s SEO strategy. In this guide, we’ll explore what Google Keyword Planner is, how to use it, and why it’s essential for growing your blog’s traffic.

What is Google Keyword Planner?

Google Keyword Planner is a tool provided by Google Ads that allows users to find and research keywords for their website or advertising campaigns. Although primarily designed for advertisers, it’s also extremely useful for bloggers and content creators aiming to increase organic search traffic.

The tool helps you:

  • Discover keyword ideas based on your blog’s niche.
  • See search volume data for different keywords.
  • Understand competition levels for keywords.
  • Estimate bid prices if you’re planning to run Google Ads campaigns.

Why Use Google Keyword Planner for SEO?

Google Keyword Planner stands out for a few key reasons:

  • Free access: Unlike some premium SEO tools, Google Keyword Planner is free to use, making it an excellent option for new bloggers or small businesses.
  • Accurate data: Since the tool is part of Google Ads, it provides reliable search volume data directly from Google.
  • Versatility: Whether you’re looking for low-competition keywords or want to analyze your competitors’ content, Google Keyword Planner can help with both.

How to Use Google Keyword Planner for SEO

1. Create a Google Ads Account

To access Google Keyword Planner, you need a Google Ads account. Don’t worry, you don’t have to run any ads or spend money to use the tool.

  • Go to Google Ads and sign up.
  • Once logged in, navigate to Tools & Settings > Keyword Planner.
2. Access the Keyword Planner Tool
  • In the Keyword Planner, you’ll see two main options:
    1. Discover new keywords: Helps you find fresh keyword ideas based on your blog’s niche.
    2. Get search volume and forecasts: Provides detailed data on existing keywords you want to analyze.
3. Discover New Keywords
  • Select the “Discover new keywords” option and enter a relevant topic, product, or service related to your blog.
  • For example, if your blog is about travel, you might input terms like “budget travel” or “best travel destinations.”
  • Google will return a list of related keywords, including their average monthly search volume, competition level, and potential cost per click (CPC) if you were to run ads.
4. Filter and Analyze Keywords
  • Pay attention to keywords with medium to high search volume and low competition—these are golden opportunities for SEO.
  • You can filter results by country, language, and search networks to fine-tune your keyword research.
5. Get Search Volume & Forecasts
  • If you have specific keywords in mind, you can paste them into the Get search volume and forecasts option.
  • The tool will show you historical search trends, monthly search volume, and predicted performance in Google search results.

Best Practices for Using Google Keyword Planner

  • Start broad and then narrow down: Use broad keywords at first to generate a list of keyword ideas, then refine your results using filters.
  • Target low-competition keywords: Especially if you’re a new blogger, it’s better to focus on low-competition keywords that you can realistically rank for.
  • Check search intent: Make sure the keywords you choose match the intent of your target audience. For example, if your readers are looking for tutorials, prioritize “how-to” keywords.
  • Regularly revisit: Search trends change, so it’s essential to revisit your keyword research periodically and update your strategy.

Google Keyword Planner is a must-have tool for anyone serious about growing their blog’s organic traffic. It provides accurate data and helpful keyword ideas that can improve your content’s visibility in search engines. By regularly using this tool, you’ll be able to identify valuable keywords, tailor your content, and increase your blog’s reach.

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